Rubaya Tea Factory

Rubaya Tea Factory is situated in the Western Province, Ngororero District. Rubaya tea is grown on high volcanic soils and enjoys regular and abundant rains most of the year round.

The total plantation cover of Rubaya owned by RMT is 925.35Ha and 400.61Ha owned by COTRAGAGI cooperative. Total annual green leaf production averages at about 10.8Million Kgs, and Made tea at over 2.5Million Kgs.

Rubaya Tea Factory obtains regularly a number of certificates of standards including Rainforest Alliance Certificate for its sound management of the natural reserves; ISO 22000:2005 for safety of its food management system and Pesticide Residue Certificate for offering teas non contaminated by chemical pollutants.

Rubaya Tea Factory provides all year round employment to about 3,000 people, majority of whom are women, including Managers, factory engineers and technicians, Agronomists, cleaners and Pluckers.

Rubaya Tea Estate buys 30 % of its green leaf from 1,280 Outgrowers grouped under the COTRAGAGI Cooperative. The Factory supports the cooperative through sharing technical tea growing and handling skills.

The company also supports local communities to alleviate poverty through different social and development programmes.

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